Media Specifications
Preparing your images and videos correctly before starting your entry page is crucial to making a great impression on the judges. Follow this checklist to ensure your files meet the required specifications and optimise your submissions for the best possible presentation.
1. Image Requirements
- Preferred Format: Use images with a maximum dimension of 2000 pixels in width or height (2K resolution). While 2K is preferred, images up to 4000 pixels (4K resolution) are also acceptable. JPEG is the recommended format for high quality with manageable file sizes.
- GIFs: Please do not use GIFs, as they are not accepted.
- PNG Images: PNG files are allowed but are best suited for vector-style art or images with text. For general images, stick to JPEG.
- File Size: Images should be a maximum of 5MB. In fact, 2MB is perfectly fine for our judges, so feel free to optimise your files for faster loading.
2. Optimise Your Images
- Before uploading, use online tools like TinyPNG or TinyJPG to compress your images. This will help reduce file size without sacrificing quality. You can do this in batch processes, so its super quick!
- File Naming: For easy organisation, adopt a consistent naming convention for your files. This will help you keep track of your images and ensure everything is in order.
3. Video Requirements
- Upload Platforms: Videos must be uploaded to Vimeo or YouTube, as these are the only accepted platforms. YouTube Shorts are also permitted if applicable.
- Make sure your video is accessible and viewable by judges, especially if it’s password-protected.
Make sure you check your video is viewable in incognito mode so you know that everyone can see it, not just you.