Draft Selection
Draft Selection is an exciting feature of the Rookie Awards, providing real-time updates on top-performing entries during the first round of judging. It’s a dynamic way to highlight exceptional work while judges are actively reviewing all submissions.

How Draft Selection Works
Draft Selection is live during the first round of judging. Here’s what happens:
- First Round of Judging: Judges review every submission and score entries based on specific judging criteria. During this phase, Draft Selection highlights the top-performing entries in real time.
- Dynamic Updates: The list updates continuously as judges score entries. Submissions can move up or down, appear for the first time, or drop off depending on the latest scores.
- Transition to Finalist Selection: Once the first round of judging is complete, judges lock down Draft Selection. At this point, the focus shifts to selecting finalists from the pool of entries.
When Are Draft Selection Badges Awarded?
Draft Selection badges are awarded during the first round of judging to entries that are performing well at any given time. These badges recognise outstanding submissions and reflect their strong performance in real-time rankings.
Once the Draft Selection phase concludes, the list is finalised, and badges remain as a testament to your achievement in this round of the competition.
Why Draft Selection Matters
Draft Selection brings transparency and excitement to the Rookie Awards, giving participants a glimpse into how their work is being received by the judges. It’s a celebration of creativity and a moment of recognition for top-performing submissions.
For participants, a Draft Selection badge is more than a temporary ranking—it’s a symbol of excellence and an indication that your work stands out among your peers.
When Draft Selection Occurs
Draft Selection is part of the overall Rookie Awards process, fitting between submission and finalist selection:
- All Entries: Judges review and score every submission in the first round of judging.
- Draft Selection: Live rankings highlight the strongest entries during this phase.
- Finalists: Once the Draft Selection phase is locked, judges choose the finalists from the Draft Selection entries.
- Winner, Runner-Up, Highly Commended: Then these accolades are awarded to the top entries.
Draft Selection gives participants an opportunity to see their work recognised early in the competition and provides valuable insight into how it’s being evaluated.