School Rankings
Our Global School Rankings are the trusted benchmark for excellence in creative media education worldwide. These rankings are built on the exceptional work submitted by students and reviewed by industry professionals. They highlight schools that consistently prepare students for successful careers by focusing on skill development, creative excellence, and career readiness.
"Our Rankings Showcase Schools That Truly Deliver—Preparing Students with Industry-Ready Skills"
Unlike traditional ranking systems, our rankings are driven by the quality of student work and reviewed by experts from top creative industries. This means our rankings reflect real-world skills and industry standards, helping you make informed decisions about your education and career.
How to Use the Rankings
Our rankings aren’t just about the numbers; they’re a powerful tool to guide your creative journey. Here’s how you can use them:
- Find Inspiration: Discover schools where students create work that aligns with your creative vision.
- Plan Your Path: Explore which schools excel in your field of interest, from animation to visual effects and game design.
- Set Your Goals: Learn from top-ranked schools’ students and alumni, and use their achievements to set benchmarks for your own growth.
Why Trust Our Rankings
The rankings are built on over a decade of expertise and are trusted by students, educators, and professionals worldwide. Each year, thousands of students participate, presenting their best work, which is then meticulously evaluated by a global panel of industry experts.
Explore the Rankings
Dive into the Global School Rankings to discover where future leaders of the creative industries are honing their skills. Whether you’re just starting your creative journey or looking to elevate your career, the rankings are your guide to finding the schools that will help you thrive.