Why are some of my students not appearing on my School Micro-site?

It all comes down to naming when connecting students with schools
Written by Andrew McDonald
Updated 1 year ago

Our School Micro-sites play an important role in promoting your school and showcasing the amazing work you are teaching your students. 

So, when students don't appear on your school page it can be quite frustrating. 

The good news is that it's a simple fix. All you need to do is make sure the student has the same school name set in their profile.

If your school name is "The Game School", make sure that all your student set their school name exactly the same. Any spelling mistake like "Game School" or "TG School" will mean they are not connected.

Quick way to find missing students

1. A quick way to find students is to visit the member list. https://www.therookies.co/members

2. There is a yellow search bar located at the top of this page. Click the "Filter" icon to open to options.

3. A modal window will appear with all the filter options. Click on "Search School" and start typing your school name. The database will suggest similar spelling suggestions of schools. It's likely you will see variations. Select a variation and show the results. Track them down and ask them to change their Profile Settings.

Quick Tip to View All your Students

Located on your school microsite is a Statistics column. In this column, you will see how many students you have associated with your school.

Simply click on this link, and it will open up the members search page, and have it already filtered to the correct settings. 

How do I get my students to update their settings?

Please share this article with your students

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